Humberto Cantú Rivera
Humberto Cantú Rivera (Ph.D., Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II) is Professor at the School of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Monterrey, in Mexico, where he also directs its Human Rights and Business Institute. He is the Expert Adviser to the Delegation of Mexico before the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights at the UN since 2015, and in the development of Mexico’s national programme on business and human rights. His experience also includes participating as an expert in the consultations of the four phases of the Access to Remedy Project of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights since 2015; as an Adviser to the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for the preparation of the report on Business and Human Rights: Inter-American Standards; in the preparation of a report for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on access to remedy for business-related human rights violations in South America; and as a consultant for UNICEF on business, human rights and sustainability.
A Member of the Editorial Board of the Business and Human Rights Journal, Vice-president of the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association, Director of the Latin American Business and Human Rights Scholars Association, member of the Governance Committee of the Teaching Business and Human Rights Forum, and member of the International Law Association’s former Study Group on Business and Human Rights, he has published extensively on the topic. Humberto is the editor of Derechos humanos y empresas: reflexiones desde América Latina, published by the Inter-American Institute for Human Rights in 2017, the first edited book in Spanish on business and human rights with a regional focus, and of the book Private International Law Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility, co-edited with Catherine Kessedjian and published by Springer in 2020.