The NOVA Knowledge Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment
The NOVA Knowledge Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment (NOVA BHRE) is an innovative and multidisciplinary academic centre within the Nova School of Law. It was founded by its current director Claire Bright, and is supported by a team composed of experts both from NOVA School of Law and NOVA School of Business & Economics (NOVA SBE) as well as external experts from all around the world.
The main goal of the NOVA BHRE is to foster responsible business conduct that upholds respect for human rights, decent work and environmental standards throughout their entire global value chains, thereby also advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The centre is focused on applied academic work, which puts the latest academic research directly into practice, and clarifies the role of law in corporate sustainability.
NOVA BHRE Newsletter November 2024
Upcoming events, activities, publications and blog posts.
NOVA BHRE Newsletter October 2024
Upcoming events, activities, publications and blog posts.
NOVA BHRE Newsletter September 2024
Upcoming events, activities, publications and blog posts.
Our latest blog post
🇪🇸 La Directiva sobre diligencia debida en materia de sostenibilidad empresarial más allá de Europa: algunas reflexiones
Esta contribución analizará cuatro elementos que son fundamentales para garantizar el respeto de los derechos de las personas fuera de Europa en el contexto de las actividades empresariales transnacionales, destacando las complejidades jurídicas de la aplicación de la CSDDD en contextos que son significativamente diversos desde distintos puntos de vista, incluida la cultura jurídica.