Claire Bright

Claire Bright

Associate Professor, Director and Founder of the Centre

Claire Bright is an Associate Professor in Private Law at NOVA School of Law in Lisbon as well as the Founder and Director of the Nova Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment (NOVA BHRE). She regularly organizes courses, events and trainings in the fields of Business and Human Rights, ESG, Human Rights Due Diligence as well as Environmental and Climate Change Due Diligence. She has published widely in the field (in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese) and has contributed to various expert studies and policy reports for Governments, NGOs, as well as for the European institutions (European Commission and European Parliament), and international organizations such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), which include, inter alia:




  • A 2020 study for the 11.11.11 and the Working Group on Corporate Accountability on the Options for Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in Belgium which formed the basis of a legislative proposal on mandatory human rights due diligence in Belgium and is now working in collaboration with the University of KU Leuven to help the Belgium Government in the transposition of the CSDDD.


  • A 2021 mapping (in English and in French) of the Human Rights due diligence regulations and an evaluation of their contribution in upholding labour standards in global supply chains prepared as part of a research compendium for the International Labour Organization (ILO) with the support of the Government of France, and published in G. Delautre, E. Echeverría Manrique and C. Fenwick, Decent work in globalised economy: Lessons from public and private initiatives, ILO 2021, 75-108