
Listen to the Discussions on BHR issues

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🇵🇹 Impacto do Mercado Agrobioquímico nos Direitos Humanos

Neste episódio do nosso podcast abordamos o impacto que a concentração do mercado agrobioquímico alimentar tem nos Direitos Humanos. Exploramos, através de uma análise interdisciplinar e holística, o papel do setor privado nesta área, o uso massivo de pesticidas e as consequências que estes criam para o ambiente e para a saúde pública. Finalmente, refletimos de que maneira estas dinâmicas podem ser alteradas dentro do sistema económico internacional que as suporta. Este episódio conta a participação da Professora Doutora Ana Luiza Gama, investigadora pós-doc na Universidade Federal Fluminense que se foca nas megafusões de empresas privadas no setor alimentar e o impacto que geram, e foi coordenado e conduzido pela nossa entrevistadora Malindi Assubuji, mestranda na NOVA School of Law e Research Associate do NOVA BHRE.

Gravado a 17 de Dezembro de 2024.

Previous episodes

Navigating Corporate HREDD, Exploring Impacts on Sustainable Finance

In this new podcast episode, we welcome Maria Folque (Maria is a social innovation expert and a partner and member of the advisory board of Class of Wonders), Ângela Lucas (Founding Partner, and board member and executive director of the sustainable investment Fund, the LAND Fund), and Rita Rendeiro (Partner at law firm CCSL Advogados, where she heads the finance, regulatory and Sustainability practice) to discuss Corporate Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence, and the challenges and opportunities arising from transposition of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) published in the Journal of the European Union on July 5 2024, taking into account possible synergies with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), previously approved in 2022 and how could maximizing alignment to International standards could be ensured. The podcast is coordinated by our Master student and Research Associate of the NOVA BHRE, Luís Prata Castro, and the interview is conducted by Maria Folque.

Recorded on the 25th of November 2024.

Piece-Rate Payment Systems in the Garment and Agricultural Sectors

In this new podcast episode, we discuss a key area of concern for international companies operating in the garment and agricultural sectors which is the prevalent use of piece rate payment systems. This episode counts with the participation of Grace Camara and Pallavi Sharma, senior legal advisors at Beyond Human Rights Compliance, which is an international legal consultancy specialised in the implementation of human rights due diligence and responsible business conduct. As piece rate payment systems have been strongly linked to labour violations, our speakers, Grace and Pallavi, provide some practical steps that international companies can take to protect workers from these types of wage violations. This episode was conducted by our Research Assistant and undergraduate student at NOVA School of Law, Matilde Carreira.

Recorded on the 20th of June 2024.

🇵🇹 O Papel do Ponto de Contacto Nacional Português para Condutas Empresariais Responsáveis

Neste episódio do nosso podcast abordamos as Diretrizes da OCDE para as Empresas Multinacionais e o respetivo papel do Ponto de Contacto Nacional Português (PCN PT) para Conduta Empresarial Responsável. A composição, papel e atividades desenvolvidas do PT PCN são discutidas, tal como as alterações e impactos da atualização de 2023 das Diretrizes da OCDE. A gestão de instância específicas é também referida, enquanto papel central do PCN PT. A intensificação das atividades do PCN PT aliado a um maior envolvimento com os stakeholders são fatores-chave para promover e apoiar as empresas portuguesas na adoção de uma conduta empresarial responsável e permitem antecipar as futuras obrigações legislativas em matéria de conduta empresarial responsável. Esta discussão conta a participação da Dra. Fernanda Ferreira Dias, Diretora-Geral das Atividades Económicas e a Dra. Carla Sousa Pinto, Diretora de Serviços de Sustentabilidade Empresarial na Direção Geral das Atividades Económicas e são conduzidas pelo nosso entrevistador Luís Prata Castro, mestrando na NOVA School of Law e Research Associate do NOVA BHRE.

Gravado a 5 de junho de 2024.

Ensuring Effective Access to Remedy through Grievance Mechanisms

In this new podcast episode, we discuss how grievance mechanisms can contribute to ensuring effective access to remedy in case of adverse human rights impact linked to corporate activities. More specifically, we discuss Fair Wear Foundation’s grievance mechanisms, a multi-stakeholder organisation of trade union, industry, and NGO constituencies that advances human rights in the garment sector through effective due diligence. This episode counts with the participation of Liselotte Goemans, the Grievance Mechanism Coordinator at the Fair Wear Foundation, which includes developing the strategic directions of the grievance mechanism and ensuring its quality and consistency in implementation. She also works on industry outreach, collaboration and alignment related to access to remedy. Liselotte has a background in cultural anthropology. The episode was conducted by our Research Assistant, Maria Ana Lourenço.

Recorded on the  8th of March 2024.

Lithium Mining and its Impact on Human Rights and the Environment

This new podcast episode features a discussion on lithium mining and its impact on human rights and the environment, with a special focus on the Lithium Triangle in South America as well as in the region of Covas do Barroso, Portugal. The discussion is led by Anaïs Tobalagba (Business and Human Rights Consultant and a visiting researcher at the NOVA BHRE) and features Helle Abelvik-Lawson (business, human rights and environment researcher that holds a PhD in indigenous community participation rights in lithium mining in Argentina and Bolivia) and Catarina Alves Scarrott (Portuguese activist with a special focus on the lithium open-pit mining project in Covas do Barroso and a professor in London). The podcast episode is coordinated by Matilde Carreira, a undergraduate student at NOVA School of Law and Research Assistant at the NOVA BHRE.

Recorded on the 28th of May 2024.

Implementing the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: Advancing Sustainability in Portuguese SMEs

In this new podcast episode, we welcome Dr. Bernardo Ivo Cruz (Former Portuguese Secretary of State for International Trade and Foreign Investment) and Professor Claire Bright to discuss, the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive for Portuguese companies and the national strategy to advance sustainability in Small and Medium Enterprisers.  The interview is conducted by Ana Duarte Santos, master’s student at NOVA School of Law and research associate at the NOVA BHRE.

Recorded on the 22nd of April 2024.

The New EU Forced Labour Regulation

In this new podcast episode, we welcome Dr. Maria Manuel Leitão Marques (Member of The European Parliament, Professor at the University of Coimbra, former Minister of the Presidency and of Administrative Modernization in Portugal and co-rapporteur of the EU Forced Labour Regulation) to discuss the new EU Forced Labour Regulation. The interview is conducted by Luís Prata Castro, master’s student at NOVA School of Law and research associate at the NOVA BHRE.

Recorded on the 2nd of April 2024.

The Nervsun Ruling and Corporate Liability for Human Rights Adverse Impacts

In this new podcast episode, we discuss the Nevsun Ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada and its implications for corporate accountability. It counts with the participation of Errol Mendes (Professor at the University of Ottawa) and our interviewer Luís Prata Castro, Master’s student at NOVA School of Law and research associate of the NOVA BHRE.

Recorded on the 14th of March 2024.

🇵🇹 Salvaguardar o amanhã: Due Diligence, Direitos da Criança e o trabalho da UNICEF Moçambique

Neste episódio do nosso podcast abordamos os desafios de lutar e advogar pelos direitos das crianças em Moçambique, bem como alguns dos melhores programas e estratégias a serem investidos nesta luta. Estamos também a focar na inclusão imperativa dos direitos das crianças no âmbito da diligência prévia e qual o reflexo desta prática para empresas. Estas discussões contam com a participação da Dra. Irina Matos (da UNICEF Moçambique) e são conduzidas pela nossa entrevistadora Claudia Baptista, mestranda na NOVA School of Law e Research Associate do NOVA BHRE.

Gravado a 5 de janeiro 2023.

European Model Contractual Clauses to uphold Business and Human Rights in Supply Chains

In this new podcast episode, we discuss the relevance of model contractual clauses in upholding human rights and environmental standards in global supply chains. It counts with the participation of Dr. Martijn Scheltema and Dr. Daniel Schönfelder, conducted by our interviewer Luís Prata Castro, master’s student at NOVA School of Law and research associate of the NOVA BHRE

Recorded on the 8th of December 2023.

Responsible Business Conduct in Armed Conflicts

In this month’s podcast episode, we are discussing the intricate relationship between businesses and conflict dynamics, exploring why they’re often deemed non-neutral actors. Delving into the responsibilities of corporations as non-state actors, we examine their International Humanitarian Law (IHL) duties during conflict scenarios. This discussion counts with the participation of Dr Jonathan Kolieb (Senior Lecturer in the Graduate School of Business and Law as well as the Co-Director of the Business and Human Rights Centre at the RMIT University) and is conducted by our interviewer Claudia Baptista, master’s student at NOVA School of Law and research associate of the NOVA BHRE.

Recorded on the 28th of November 2023.

🇵🇹 Trabalho infantil nas cadeias de abastecimento mundiais

Neste novo episódio, Odete Severino (perita em Direitos Humanos e Direitos da Criança) e Inês Poeiras (Presidente da Caminhos da Infância) conversam com Maria Miguel Oliveira da Silva (doutoranda na NOVA School of Law e research associate do NOVA BHRE). No Dia Mundial contra o Trabalho Infantil, discorrem sobre o trabalho infantil nas cadeias de abastecimento ao redor do globo, bem como acerca da situação portuguesa em particular, discutindo opções, metas e vias de erradicação da exploração infantil, sobretudo das suas piores formas até 2025.

Gravado a 31 de maio 2023.

Framework of the French Duty of Vigilance Law

In this month’s podcast episode, Paul Mougeolle (PhD researcher and project coordinator, legal advisor and spokesperson for the French NGO Notre Affaire à Tous) discusses with Cláudia Baptista (Research Associate at the NOVA BHRE) the scope and application of the French Duty of Vigilance Law. The conversation touches upon the corporate due diligence requirements under the French Law, including in matters of climate change and their implications for companies, and discusses recent case-law in France on this matter. 

Recorded on the 12th of Abril 2023.

🇵🇹 Sustainable Fashion

Neste novo episódio de podcast, Francisco Granja de Almeida (Associate Lawyer VdA) e Salomé Areias (Fashion Revolution Coord/PhD Fellow in Sustainability) em conversa com Raquel Burgoa Dias (Research Associate NOVA BHRE), dão-nos a conhecer os principais desafios que as empresas da indústria têxtil e do vestuário enfrentarão com a implementação da Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive, salientando que para reduzir os impactos ambientais dos têxteis é crucial uma mudança para modelos de negócios circulares.

Gravado a 3 de fevereiro 2023.

Qatar’s World Cup - a complex field in human rights

In this month’s podcast episode, topics relating to this year’s World Cup and some of the controversies surrounding it are discussed by Dr Antoine Duval (senior researcher of the ASSER Institute) and Cláudia Baptista. The conversation touches upon Qatar’s treatment of human rights before, during and after the event, FIFA’s preparation for it and some of its regulations regarding political statements and human rights protection, as well as the new measures implemented in International Sports Law following these issues.

Antoine’s article ‘How Qatars Migrant Workers Became FIFAs Problem: A Transnational Struggle for Responsibility’ is available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4022488

Recorded on the 15th of December 2022.

🇵🇹 Sustentabilidade Energética e Direitos Humanos

Neste novo episódio do nosso Podcast dedicado ao tema da Sustentabilidade Energética e Direitos Humanos, a Profª Drª Lucila de Almeida (Abreu Chair in ESG Impact e Coordenadora do NOVA Green Lab na NOVA School of Law) e o Drº Eduardo Moura (Human Rights and Sustainable Supply Chain Director na EDP) em conversa com Raquel Burgoa Dias e Claudia Baptista, dão-nos a conhecer como pode a energia ser digna do rótulo sustentável, respeitadora dos direitos humanos e orientada para o bem-estar social, bem como os desafios do framework legal (nacional e internacional) em matéria de due diligence em relação aos Direitos Humanos e Ambiente.

Gravado a 21 de novembro 2023.

Model Contract Clauses to Protect Human Rights in Global Supply Chains

In this podcast episode organised in partnership with PLMJ, Sarah Dadush (Professor at Rutgers Law School) and Claire Bright (Director of the NOVA BHRE) discuss, together with Inês Crispim (Associate at PLMJ and Research Associate at the NOVA BHRE), the Model Clauses to protect workers in international supply chains developed by the American Business Association and how they this type of model clauses are envisaged in the framework of the Draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence.

Recorded in September 2022.

Conversation on Children’s Rights: Where are we going?

On this new episode of the podcast series, Maria Pia Bianchetti (Programme Specialist on Child Rights and Business at UNICEF) and Maria Miguel Oliveira da Silva (Research Associate of the NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment) hold a conversation with regard to children’s rights in general and the Due Diligence legislation.

Recorded in June 2022.

🇵🇹 Impacto da Proposta de Diretiva no Setor Financeiro e Bancário

Neste novo episódio do nosso Podcast, dedicado ao tema do impacto da proposta de Diretiva no setor financeiro e bancário, o Dr. Bruno Ferreira numa conversa com Dussu Djabula e Raquel Burgoa Dias dá-nos a conhecer as consequências práticas da implementação do processo continuado de devida diligência e da inclusão na sua estratégia empresarial, questões de direitos humanos, ambiente e objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável. A publicação da tão aguardada Proposta de ‘Diretiva sobre Diligência Devida e Sustentabilidade Empresarial’ pela Comissão Europeia no dia 23 de Fevereiro de 2022 consubstancia um momento histórico na área de Business & Human Rights, e ao trazer um novo horizonte regulatório também traz consigo novos desafios e incertezas. Neste episódio abordam-se os principais desafios que os bancos e as empresas enfrentarão na implementação da Diretiva e de como serão afetadas as suas atividades.

Gravado a 5 de abril 2022.

Lobbying for Social Impact

There is a growing interest from companies in conducting their business activities in a more responsible and sustainable way, nevertheless, there is one impact that is still rarely discussed: that of the “democracy footprint”, which includes corporate lobbying, political spending, and other forms of corporate political influence aimed at shaping regulations designed to benefit society. In this episode, Dussu Djabula and Isabel Ruivo discuss with Professor Alberto Alemanno lobbying and how it can be used to enact societal changes.

Recorded on the 4th of March 2022.

🇵🇹 A proposta de “Diretiva sobre Diligência Devida e Sustentabilidade Empresarial”

Neste novo episódio do nosso Podcast, dedicado ao tema da Responsabilidade Social das Empresas, a Dr.ª Maria Folque dá-nos a conhecer um instituto em constante evolução. A publicação da tão aguardada Proposta de ‘Diretiva sobre Diligência Devida e Sustentabilidade Empresarial’ pela Comissão Europeia no dia 23 de Fevereiro de 2022 consubstancia um momento histórico na área de Business & Human Rights e na luta por uma conduta empresarial responsável e sustentável. Neste episódio abordam-se os seus impactos nas empresas portuguesas e formas como estas se podem começar a preparar.

Gravado a 29 de março 2022.

BHR and Migrant Workers from the Perspective of Women’s Rights

In this episode, Laura Íñigo Álvarez has a conversation with Aintzane Márquez Tejón and Carolina Jiménez Sánchez about the relationship between business, human rights and migrant workers considering the perspective of women’s rights.

Recorded on the 22nd of September 2021.

Renewables and Human Rights

In this new episode of the Podcast series, Ana Duarte and Alice Milheiras hold a conversation with Céline da Graça Pires and Roberta Pinamonti from BSR on Renewables and Human Rights.

Note: The episode was recorded in May and, according to recent announcements, the EU Commission is delaying the publication of its proposal for Corporate Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence to the fall of this year.

Recorded on the 21st of May 2021.

Inclusion and Tech

In this new episode of the Podcast series, Ana Duarte and Dr. Laura Íñigo Álvarez hold a conversation with Eleanor Lumsden on the relationship between tech companies, inclusion and diversity.

Recorded on the 21st of May 2021.

Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration

In this new episode of the Podcast series, Dr. Claire Bright and Dr. Filipa Cansado Carvalho hold a conversation with Dr. Catherine Kessedjian on the Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration, based on an article she recently published on the topic for the Journal du Droit International.

Recorded on the 5th of May 2021.

Corporate Criminal Liability in Brazil

In this new episode of the Podcast, Eduardo Saad-Diniz shares insights with Athina Sachoulidou and Julia Gracia on corporate criminal liability in Brazil.

Recorded on the 28th of March 2021.

🇵🇹 Responsabilidade Social das Empresas

Neste segundo episódio, dedicado ao tema da Responsabilidade Social das Empresas, a Prof.ª Dr.ª Catarina Serra dá-nos a conhecer um instituto em constante evolução.

Gravado a 22 de março 2021.

An Introduction To Business, Human Rights and the Environment

In this first episode of the podcast series entitled ‘An Introduction to Business, Human Rights and the Environment’, Ana Duarte and Alice Milheiras are in conversation with Laura Iñigo Álvarez.

Recorded on the 15th of February 2021.

Special Series of Podcasts on "Decoding Sustainable Finance"

Decoding Sustainable Finance with Ivano Alogna: Strategic Litigation and Sustainable Development

In this sixth episode of “Decoding Sustainable Finance,” we delve into Strategic Litigation and Sustainable Development. Hosted by Dussu Djabula and João Maria Botelho this episode features an in-depth discussion with Ivano Alogna, Research Leader in Environmental and Climate Change Law at BIICL and Associated Member of the Sorbonne Research Institute in International and European Law (IREDIES). We explore the transformative role of strategic litigation in advancing sustainable development and environmental justice.

Decoding Sustainable Finance with Daria Shapovalova: Climate Justice

In the fifth episode of the podcast series “Decoding Sustainable Finance” (DSF), we address the topic of climate justice. Hosted by Raquel Burgoa Dias and João Maria Botelho this episode features an insightful discussion with Daria Shapovalova, Director of the Aberdeen University Centre for Energy Law and Coordinator of the Just Transition Lab.

Decoding Sustainable Finance with André Castro Silva: Sustainable Finance and Fintech

In the fourth episode of the podcast series “Decoding Sustainable Finance” (DSF), we address the topic of sustainable finance and fintech. Hosted by Raquel Burgoa Dias and João Maria Botelho this episode features an insightful discussion with André Castro Silva, Associate Professor at Nova SBE and Visiting Associate Professor for the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics at the University of Chicago.

Decoding Sustainable Finance with Tiago de Melo Cartaxo: Climate Transition and Physical Risk

In the third episode of the podcast series “Decoding Sustainable Finance” (DSF), we address the topic of climate transition and physical risk. Hosted by Dussu Djabula and João Maria Botelho this episode features an insightful discussion with Tiago de Melo Cartaxo, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Law at the University of Exeter and Director of Postgraduate Research for Humanities and Social Sciences, Cornwall.

Decoding Sustainable Finance with Paula Redondo Pereira: The Green Taxonomy

In this second episode of the podcast series “Decoding Sustainable Finance” (DSF), we delve into the Green Taxonomy, a classification system that categorizes sustainable activities. Hosted by Raquel Burgoa Dias and João Maria Botelho this episode features an enlightening discussion with Paula Redondo Pereira, the Head of Regulatory Affairs at the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

Decoding Sustainable Finance with Nicoletta Centofanti: Finance, Investing and Sustainable Development

In the first episode of the podcast series “Decoding Sustainable Finance” (DSF), we explore the intersection between finance, investing, and sustainable development. Hosted by Dussu Djabula and João Maria Botelho, this episode features an insightful conversation with Nicoletta Centofanti, General Manager of the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative.

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