Blogging on Business & Human Rights: Towards an EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
On 16 January 2023, the NOVA BHRE hosted an early career workshop co-organised by Leonard Feld on the Draft EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. The event was funded by a YERUN Research Mobility Award and brings together early-stage researchers that work at the crossroad of business law and sustainability. Participants discussed the following key questions related to the proposed Directive in the form of blog posts:
- What is the scope of the risk-based due diligence requirements when it comes to global value chains and corporate groups?
- How to define the reasonableness standard (‘appropriate measures’) proposed in the draft directive?
- To what extent does the Proposal require companies to engage with relevant stakeholders in compliance with international standards?
- What are the extraterritorial implications of the Proposal?
- What role play certification and assurance providers in the Proposal?
- To what extend does the Proposal require the establishment and operation of grievance mechanisms and remediation procedures in compliance with international standards?
- How does the Proposal relate to relevant national legislation on sustainability due diligence (France, Germany, the Netherlands)?