NOVA BHRE Annual Report – 2024

The NOVA BHRE is proud to release its 2024 Activities Report and takes this opportunity to renew is thanks to all the team members of the NOVA BHRE!

2024 was a very important year for Corporate Sustainability and the work of the NOVA BHRE has been at the forefront of the many of these developments. In 2025, the NOVA BHRE will continue its activities and notably work with various governments on the transposition of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.

The NOVA also aims to to continue its awareness-raising in capacity building activities with individual companies, civil society organizations, governments and other relevant stakeholders to work on the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.

Finally, the NOVA BHRE will also pursue its work strengthening the Europe-Africa collaborations in the field of Business and Human Rights and has just won a grant as part of a consortium led by KU Leuven University on the EU-Africa relations in the framework of which it will actively participate in events and capacity building activities on BHR in Africa.

Stay tuned!