On the 6th of December 2024, the work of the NOVA BHRE was recognized and acknowledged through the 2 prizes received by Claire Bright at the NOVA Science & Innovation Day for the impact of her research and contribution to the field of Business and Human Rights, and in particular:
• an Honorary Mention at the Research Impact Narratives Challenge for the impact of her work on Business and Human Rights on key legislative and policy developments at national level in various European countries and in Africa, as well as at the European level.
• an Award in the “Publications with Impact” Category, rewarding the scientific publications with the highest Field-Weighted Citation Impact during the 2021-2023 for the Commentary that 2 members of the NOVA BHRE (Claire Bright and Céline da Graça Pires) wrote on Guiding Principle 18 of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights on the identification and assessment of actual and potential adverse human rights risks.