#End Child Labour Project

Participating organisations: Caminhos da Infância, NOVA Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Câmara Municipal de Tomar, Organização de Estados Ibero-Americanos para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura, Rede do Empresário, Associação dos Juristas Católicos, Grace, Instituto Amaro da Costa.

Summary of the research project: The NOVA BHRE is currently working on a research project, in collaboration with the Portuguese NGO specialized in children’s rights (Caminhos de Infância), Lisbon City Council and other organisations to support their campaign towards the eradication of child labour in global supply chains.

A 2021 report published by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UNICEF revealed that 160 millions of children are in child labour globally, a number which has increased by 8,4 million over the last few years. At the global scale, this represents 1 child out of 10, with about half of them between 5 and 11 years old and working in hazardous conditions.

Against this backdrop, this research projects seeks to raise awareness amongst citizens and consumers, so as to empower them to make more informed and ethical choices, but also amongst companies in order to promote responsible business practices that contribute to the eradication of child labour.


For further information, please visit our project website: End Child Labour.



Claire Bright

Maria Miguel Oliveira da Silva