Angelica Bonfanti
Angelica Bonfanti (Ph.D.) is Associate Professor in International Law and Head of Studies of the Master Program in Sustainable Development at the Law Faculty of the University of Milan. She teaches EU Law on Business and Human Rights; Sustainable Development in Global Trade (WTO) Law and Diritto Internazionale [International Law]. Her research activity chiefly focuses on business and human rights, public and private international law, cyber law, and international trade and investment law. She is a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Interest Group on International Business and Human Rights of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) and co-director of the Business and Human Rights Summer School. Prof. Bonfanti is the author of the book Imprese multinazionali, diritti umani e ambiente. Profili di diritto internazionale pubblico e privato (Giuffrè, 2012) and of many essays published in peer-reviewed legal journals and collected volumes, as well as the editor of the volume Business and Human Rights in Europe: International Law Challenges (Routledge 2019) and the co-editor of the book Natural Resources Grabbing: An International Law Perspective (Brill, 2015, with F. Romanin Jacur and F. Seatzu).