Marta Bordignon
Marta Bordignon, Ph.D. in International Law from University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Italy), with a thesis on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights through National Action Plans in Italy, Spain and the UK. She is co-founding President at the association Human Rights International Corner (HRIC) since May 2018 and co-director of the “Business and Human Rights” Summer School. Currently, Dr. Bordignon is Adjunct Professor of Contemporary Politics of Europe, Politics of the Global Economy and Legal Environment of Business at Temple University, Rome Campus. She has been appointed as Human Rights Expert of the Inter-ministerial Committee for Human Rights in July 2020. She authored several papers and book’s chapters about the implementation at national level of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, corporate social responsibility, human rights due diligence, indigenous people rights and human trafficking and modern slavery.