Nicolas Bueno
Nicolas Bueno is currently an Assistant Professor at the French-speaking faculty of law of UniDistance Suisse. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher in International Human Rights Law and International Economic Law at the University of Zurich and Senior Lecturer in International Law at the Università de la Svizzera Italiana. In his research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, he addresses the limits of the Business and Human Rights approach in a global competitive economy.
His research has been published in international journals, such as the International & Comparative Law Quarterly, the International Journal of Human Rights, the International Labour Review and International Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations. His recent publications in Business and Human Rights include ‘Implementing Human Rights Due Diligence through Corporate Civil Liability’ with Professor Bright, ‘Multinational Enterprises and Labour Rights’ and ‘The Swiss Popular Initiative on Responsible Business’. Prior to his research, Dr. Bueno conducted strategic litigation in Business and Human Rights at the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights in Berlin.