
Expand your knowledge on BHRE


E-Curso ESG Reporting and Due Diligence: edição em português

The Portuguese edition of the Course on ESG Reporting and Due Diligence will be happening from the 25th of September 2024 to the 27th of November 2024 and will present the new requirements for companies to align their policies and strategies with ESG criteria in line with the expectations of investors and consumers, as well as based on the latest legislation and case-law. This course and will be under the coordination of Claire Bright, the Director of the NOVA Center on Business, Human Rights and the Environment and of Lucila de Almeida, the Director of the NOVA Green Lab.

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Business and Human Rights Training in Tunisia

Between the 29th of January and the 1st of February 2024, Claire Bright and Anaïs Tobalgba delivered 2 more two-day training sessions in Tunis on human rights due diligence to approximately 40 participants from two major public Tunisian companies: The Electricity and Gas Company, and the Tunisian Chemical Group as well as other public and private companies. The training sessions were notably opened by Director General of the Office of the Prime Minister, Nizar Ben Sghaier, as well as the Representative of the United Nations Development Programme, Celine Moyroud. The main objective of the trainings was to help Tunisian companies identify, prevent, mitigate and address their adverse human rights impacts and to raise awareness on the applicable legal framework. The training sessions were delivered in French.


Training on Due Diligence and Corporate Sustainability (Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

On the 14th of December 2023, Claire Bright e Mariana Vicente delivered a training in Portuguese on Due Diligence and Corporate Sustainability to the staff of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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Human Rights Due Diligence training in Tunisia

Between the 31st of October and the 3rd of November 2023, Claire Bright and Anaïs Tobalgba delivered 2 two-day training sessions in Tunis on Human Rights Due Diligence to about 40 participants from public companies under the auspices of the Tunisian Ministry of the Environment as well as to government officials in the framework of a programme coordinated by the UN Development Programme. The training session was opened by the Tunisian Minister of the Environment, Mrs Leila Chikhaoui as well as the Japanese Ambassador in Tunisa, Mr Shinsuke Simizu. The main objective of the trainings was to help Tunisian companies identify, prevent, mitigate and address their adverse human rights impacts and to raise awareness on the applicable legal framework. The training sessions were delivered in French.

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Business and Human Rights training in Mozambique

On the 17th and 18th of April 2023, Claire Bright, Céline da Graça Pires and Inês Crispim delivered a Business and Human Rights training in Mozambique to about 40 private companies of different sizes and sectors affiliated with to the Confederation of Business Associations of Mozambique (CTA) and the Mozambique-Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The main objective of the training was to help companies identify, prevent, mitigate and address their adverse human rights impacts and to raise awareness on the applicable legal framework.


🇵🇹 Webinar “Due Diligence na Sustentabilidade – Desafios da Regulação”

On the 12th of December 2022, the NOVA BHRE delivered an awareness-raising training session, in partnership with @PLMJ to the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the regulatory developments and challenges on corporate sustainability due diligence. Over 130 participants attended the session. This session was delivered in portuguese.

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Transforming Portuguese Companies in Sustainability Leaders

On the 18th of October 2022, Claire Bright, Bruno Ferreira, Inês Crispim and Céline da Graça Pires delivered a training session as part of the training programme ‘Transforming Portuguese Companies in Sustainability Leaders’ put together by the NOVA BHRE in partnership with PLMJ. The training session was delivered to private companies with the support of the Portuguese business association, Confederação Empresarial de Portugal, and focused on the practical implications of the latest legislative developments in France and Germany for Portuguese companies.


E-Course on Business and Human Rights: Regional Approaches and Developments

On the 7th of February, NOVA BHRE taught a short online course aimed at analysing the legislative and case-law developments in the field of business and human rights at the regional and at the international levels. This course was taught in English.