On the 4th and 5th of May 2023, Laura Íñigo Álvarez, postdoctoral researcher and scientific coordinator of the NOVA BHRE, participated as a speaker in the Research workshop “Corporate human rights responsibility in OECD case law: actors, issues, responsibilities and remedies” which took place at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen Nürnberg.
This workshop was organized in the framework of the research project “Corporate Human Rights Responsibility in the OECD NCP case law” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) which analyses the interpretation and illustration of the corporate responsibility to respect human rights through the specific cases handled by the National Contact Points (NCPs) under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The event counted with the participation of researchers from Germany, Italy, Belgium, UK, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Brazil, Canada, together with civil society organisations and two members of NCPs.