NOVA BHRE is pleased to announce the upcoming blog symposium focused on the updated OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct co-organised with OECD Watch.
This project is coordinated by Laura Íñigo Álvarez (NOVA BHRE) and Katharine Booth (OECD Watch).
The symposium is intended to facilitate a platform for knowledge exchange and discussion on the updated Guidelines and its connection to – and coherence with – legislative initiatives focused on corporate accountability across the globe.
The following key issues will be explored:
- Analysis of the updated OECD Guidelines, including any improved or notable new text.
- Interaction and alignment between the updated OECD Guidelines and the EU CSDDD.
- Interaction and alignment between the updated OECD Guidelines and other corporate accountability (due diligence) initiatives across the globe, including gaps in the OECD Guidelines and/or CSDDD compared to these initiatives
- The role, function, and strengths and weaknesses of NCPs.
This blog symposium will occur throughout October-November 2023. Academics and civil society actors in the business and human rights field have been invited to contribute to the symposium.
Blogs will be published on both NOVA BHRE’s blog platform and OECD Watch’s website.