
The Nova BHRE Publications


Laura Íñigo Álvarez (2025): "Improving the Effectiveness of Non-Judicial Mechanisms Under the OECD National Contact Points: Issues of Legitimacy and Accessibility," In Exploring Corporate Human Rights Reponsibilities in OECD Case law. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Cham, 135-153.


Maria Miguel Oliveira da Silva and Jorge Morais Carvalho (2024): The (Un)Sustainability of the Sale of Goods in Directive (EU) 2019/771. London: Handbook of Private Law and Sustainability, Routledge, 123-139.

Laura Íñigo Álvarez (2024): "Responsible business conduct in conflict-affected areas: the notion of heightened human rights due diligence," Revista Española de Empresas y Derechos Humanos, 2, 29-45.

Claire Bright and Ana Santos Duarte (2024): "🇵🇹 O Compromisso Empresarial com a Sustentabilidade: Desafios e Oportunidades," Vida Judiciária, 23-25.


C. Bright (ed.) (2023): Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance: Key Insights, e-book of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. .

Claire Bright, Ana Duarte and Sara Pacheco (2023): Human Rights Due Diligence: From Expectations to Obligations. PLMJ Forum "Think Tank": PLMJ Advogados, SP, RL.

Laura Íñigo Álvarez (2023): "Former employees of Bralima vs. Bralima and Heineken N.V. hacia el uso efectivo de la mediación en disputas sobre empresas y derechos humanos," in Litigación en materia de empresas y derechos humanos: Estudio de casos (pp. 187-202). Tirant lo Blanch..

Laura Íñigo Álvarez (2023): "🇪🇸 Luces y sombras de la Propuesta de Directiva sobre diligencia debida de las empresas en materia de sostenibilidad y especial consideración de las personas defensoras: Working paper no 5, Universitat Rovira i Virgili & ICIP, ICI019/22/000010," (pp. 1-13). Universitat Rovira i Virgili..

Claire Bright and Céline da Graça Pires (2023): "Guiding Principle 18: Human Rights Impact Assessments," in Barnali Choudhury, (ed.), The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: a Commentary, Elgar Commentaries Series, 2023.

Claire Bright and Nicolas Bueno (2023): "Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence," in Anthony Ewing (ed), Teaching Business and Human Rights (Edward Elgar 2023), 144-159.

ELSA Portuguese Research Group on Business and Human Rights, Claire Bright and Laura Iñigo Álvarez (2023): "Recommendations for the Upcoming National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights," with the executive summary available in English and in Portuguese, 1-80.

Lise Smit, Claire Bright and Stuart Neely (2023): "Muddying the waters: The concept of a 'safe harbour' and corporate liability," in 8(1) Business and Human Rights Journal (2023), 1-17.


Claire Bright e Benedita Sequeira (2022): "🇵🇹 Rumo a uma obrigatoriedade de diligência ambiental e de direitos humanos," Revista de Direito Comercial.

Maria Miguel Oliveira da Silva (2022): "🇵🇹 A Sustentabilidade e a Compra e Venda para Consumo na Diretiva 2019/771 e no DL 84/2021: Aplausos e Perplexidades," in Jorge Morais Carvalho et al., Diretivas 2019/770 e 2019/771 e Decreto-Lei n.º 84/2021 - Compra e Venda, Fornecimento de Conteúdos e Serviços Digitais, Conformidade, Sustentabilidade, Coimbra, Almedina, 2022.

Laura Íñigo Álvarez (2022): "Companies operating in conflict-affected areas: legal frameworks, risks and obligations," available in English and in Portuguese, 1-6.

Athina Sachoulidou (2022): "🇵🇹 A responsabilidade das empresas no Direito Penal Internacional e a jurisdição do Tribunal Penal Internacional sobre as pessoas coletivas – uma nova velha história," Vida Judiciária, 23-25.

Laura Íñigo Álvarez (2022): Companies operating in conflict-affected areas: legal frameworks, risks and obligations. .

Claire Bright (2022): "🇵🇹 Empresas, Direitos Humanos e o Ambiente: poderá 1% fazer a diferença?" Público.

Claire Bright and Stephen J. Turner (2022): "From ‘Due Diligence’ to ‘Adequate Redress’. Towards Compulsory Human Rights and Environmental Insurance for Companies?" International Community Law Review, 24(1-2). Leiden: Brill | Nijhoff, 145-165.

Lise Smit (2022): "Practical Guide for Business: Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)," available in English and in Portuguese, 1-7.


NOVA BHRE, Claire Bright, Laura Íñigo Álvarez, Ana Duarte, Rafaela Oliveira, Sara Pacheco e Benedita Sequeira (2021): "🇵🇹 Resumo Legal sobre Diligência Devida em matéria de Direitos Humanos e Ambiente," Projeto Our Food. Our Future, março 2021, 1-16.

Claire Bright, Irene Pietropaoli and Laura Íñigo Álvarez (2021): "🇪🇸 Una mirada hacia los desarrollos normativos y jurisprudenciales en materia de debida diligencia empresarial y cambio climático," in F. J. Zamora Cabot, L. Sales Pallarés & M. C. Marullo, La lucha en clave judicial frente al cambio climático. Pamplona: Aranzadi, 71-92.

Claire Bright and Karin Buhmann (2021): "Risk-Based Due Diligence, Climate Change, Human Rights and the Just Transition," Sustainability, 13, 10454.

Claire Bright and Benedita Sequeira (2021): "Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: An Overview of the Legislative Developments at the European Level," available in English and in Portuguese, 1-6.

Chiara Altafin, Manuela Baiker, Ríon McCall Magan, Francesca Mancarella and Mariana Ferreira (2021): "A she-cession? Exploring labour policy responses to COVID-19 and their impact on women’s right to work in Europe," 5 Global Campus Human Rights Journal 35-62.

Chis Bayer, Claire Bright, Irene Pietropaoli, Eliana Gonzalez Torres, Justine Vinet and Derril D. Watson (2021): "50 Billions Euros: Europe’s Child Labor Footprint in 2019," Report prepared for the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament.

Claire Bright, Laura Íñigo Álvarez, Ana Duarte, Rafaela Oliveira, Sara Rentroia Pacheco and Benedita Sequeira (2021): "Legal brief on Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence," Our Food. Our Future Project.

Claire Bright, Maria Chiara Marullo and Francisco Javier Zamora Cabot (2021): "Private international law issues in the Second Draft of the legally binding instrument on business and human rights," in the Nederlands International Privaatrecht [Dutch Journal of Private International Law], 39/1. The Hague: Asser Press.

Claire Bright, Nicolas Bueno and Irene Pietropaoli (2021): "🇪🇸 Empresas, Derechos Humanos y la COVID-19: El deber del estado de proteger la salud laboral y el empleo," Revista Española de Derecho Internacional, Sección FOROS, Vol. 73/1, 319-328.

Claire Bright (2021): "Mapping human rights due diligence regulations and evaluating their contribution in upholding labour standards in global supply chains," in G. Delautre, E. Echeverría Manrique and C. Fenwick, ‘Decent work in globalised economy: Lessons from public and private initiatives’, ILO, 75-108.

Claire Bright and Axel Marx (2021): "🇵🇹 Holding Companies to Account for Human Rights Abuses in Third Countries: Why is it so difficult?" in Ana Luiza da Gama e Souza, Lara Denise Goés da Costa and Leticia Helena Medeiros Velosos (eds.) Diretos Humanos, Paz, Sustentabilidade e Empresas Globais, REDHIPAS, 17-40.