Read about BHR issues

  • Ethical Choices In Business: How Digital Currencies Can Support Or Threaten Human Rights?

    Digital currencies are a powerful financial tool, akin to an open book: responsible businesses can use them to transparently and effectively uphold human rights, ensuring accountability and trust in their operations. However, in the wrong hands, this tool becomes a shadowy zone hiding violations and abuses. This blog post discusses challenges and opportunities related to BHR and digital currencies.

  • 🇮🇹 Il caso Shell: oltre la decisione, i principi chiave della Corte d’Appello

    La sentenza Shell rappresenta un passo cruciale nell’evoluzione delle cause climatiche contro le imprese. Chiarendo ancora una volta la responsabilità delle imprese nella lotta al cambiamento climatico, essa ha confermato un fondamentale precedente legale. Sebbene la Corte d’Appello non abbia confermato integralmente la sentenza di primo grado, ha riaffermato i principi giuridici alla base di quella decisione, che saranno inevitabilmente utilizzati nei futuri contenziosi. È chiaro, tuttavia, come indicato dagli stessi giudici, che spetta al legislatore il compito di individuare dei target di riduzione specifici ed imporre obblighi più puntuali alle imprese.

  • A reflection on the 4th Annual Conference of the NOVA Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment

    The 4th Annual NOVA BHRE Conference stood out as a privileged space for reflection and knowledge exchange, but above all as a catalyst for collective dynamics. The challenges we face in the field of corporate sustainability are vast and complex, requiring a coordinated and proactive response from companies, governments, experts, civil society, academia and new generations.

  • Claire Bright

    Respecting Human Rights in Business Activities: Why does it matter?

    Human rights concerns are widespread in business activities and value chains around the world. By conducting human rights due diligence, companies can reduce reputation risks, avoid legal risks and strengthen relationships with stakeholders like consumers, investors, trade unions, NGOs, and society at large.

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